ACFD#1 Approved Budget
ACFD#1 Approved Budget
ACFD#1 Approved Budget
Albany County Fire District 1 Peer Support
What is First Responder Peer Support
Fellow First Responders giving and receiving help founded on the key principles of shared responsibility, respect, and mutual agreement of what is helpful
Reduce stigma by encouraging conversation surrounding mental health and normalizing difficult experiences and adverse reactions to stressors of the job
BENEFITS: increased hope, empowerment, self-efficacy, engagement, and quality of life

ACFD1 cares about you!
ACFD1 deems each and every one of our firefighters, spouses and children as family. Sometimes family members struggle. We want you to know we are here for, we care, and we want to help.
Who are we?
We are a group of volunteers who understand the pressures of being a first responder and the toll that can take on you, your family, and those around you
We have 40+ hours of training to learn how to help others
We are individuals who "get it" or who have "been there", building relationships of trust through our life experiences.
What we provide
One on one peer support to ACFD1 members and their spouses
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) funding for at least six (6) free counseling sessions for ACFD1 members, their spouses and their dependents
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Partnerships with local resources
Clinical oversight by Auxilium Responder - click here to learn more about Auxilium